Neuro-Developmental Technique

Conditions that benefit from Neuro-Developmental Techniques (NDT)
(Using Waleed Al Oboudi's Neuro-IFRAH approach)
Brain Injury
Parkinson's Disease
Ataxia, Apraxia, Aphasia
Multiple Sclerosis
Other Neurological Dysfunction
What is Neuro-Developmental Technique (NDT)?
NDT is an advanced therapeutic approach practiced by experienced Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Speech - Language Pathologists.
This hands-on approach is used in working with people who have central nervous system insults that create difficulties in controlling movement. Therapists, with advanced training in NDT, use NDT treatment for the neurologically challenged (e.g. stroke, head injury) and work closely with them to make them as independent as possible. They coordinate their efforts with the patient’s family members, caregivers and physicians to develop comprehensive treatment programs based on the principles of human neurology and physiology. Individuals who have minimal to severe motor difficulties can benefit from the NDT approach as well.
The Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT/Bobath) approach was developed for the treatment of individuals with Pathophysiology of the central nervous system (CNS), primarily children with cerebral palsy (CP) and adults with cerebral vascular accidents (CVA). Individuals with CNS Pathophysiology have dysfunction in posture and movement and subsequent functional activity limitations. The Bobaths developed the NDT/Bobath approach to address these problems. The NDT/Bobath approach continues to be enriched with the emergence of new theories, new models and new information in the movement sciences. In addition, as the characteristics of the population with CNS Pathophysiology change, the approach continues to evolve.
Excerpt from the website of NDTA
Our Therapists
Our therapists are trained on Neuro Developmental Technique using the NEURO- IFRAH approach by Waleed Al Oboudi himself and offer a very individualized, hands-on, therapy session to all our clients. Our therapy sessions usually last for an hour and our goal is to restore normal movement, range of motion and strength and to help clients return to their prior level of function. We also train our clients to perform correct stretching and home exercises to continue the benefits of therapy.